Trying to grow a brand in Cosplay
Midnight Chaos
I'm finding that growing a brand in the cosplay world is not easy, especially for an older chick like me. I've been cosplaying for <gasp> 40 years but only recently have I become truly interested in turning this into a real brand. It comes from the obsession with the build, I think. I LOVE the build. I LIVE for the challenges I hit myself upside the head with on each one. What stymies me is growing the Social Media following. Yeah, yeah. Reels are the way to go. Do y'all really want to see reels of me? What do you want me to do? Have y'all heard me talk? I'm from Texas. Imagine. I'll give it a shot, though. You've been duly warned. Just do me a favor... If they suck, please DM me and help me out.
Back to the actual cosplay. I'm also finding some of my best cosplays pretty much come right out of the wind. I was going to say I pull them out of my butt as I go along, but that's kinda gross, so we'll say "wind." I start with a basic vision and just start building. Sometimes it comes out exactly as I envisioned, sometimes it comes out completely different. I just go with the flow.
I live up to my moniker... I really am up at midnight creating chaos in my workshop and work all night long until it's time for work. When do I sleep? I catnap in the evening when my mind isn't whirling on with things or I'm not teaching nighttime culinary classes. I'm kinda cheffy that way. My son is also a chef and we teach together. Isn't that sweet? Anyway, I have a need for coffee. I also have a need for supplies and materials beyond what my paychecks bestow, so I also need Ko-Fi.
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